Karel Nováček (University of West Bohemia Plzeň, Dept. of Archaeology)

Archaeologist and historian of architecture, specialized in the medieval built environment, both in central Europe and in the Near East.áč
Narmin Ali Muhammad Amin (University of Salahaddin, Hawler, Iraq – CRNS Paris, UMR 8167 – Orient et Méditerranée)

Archaeologist, focuses on archaeology of Islamic Period in Iraqi Kurdistan with a primary interest in Eastern Christian monasteries.
Lenka Starková (University of West Bohemia Plzeň, Dept. of Archaeology)

Archaeologist, being deep in remote sensing, analysis of satellite imagery, airborne laser scanning and GIS.á
Miroslav Melčák (Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Historian, specializes on social and cultural history of the medieval Middle East, his main areas of research are Islamic urbanism in Northern Mesopotamia and charitable foundations (awqaf) in medieval Damascus.
Karel Pavelka (Czech Technical University Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geomatics)

An expert on photogrammetry and remote sensing, leading many heritage recording projects in Czech Republic, Peru and Iraq.
Hynek Švácha (Pueblo o.p.s, Prague)

Archaeologist in charge of recording; graphic and pottery specialist.